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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I'm pregnant? You're pregnant? Who is pregnant?

"My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you, how I wish I could be with you now and change my tone, because I am perplexed about you!" Galatians 4:19-20

Let me be the first to say...Huh? I stumbled across this passage the other day and need to pause, and go back and read a bit more carefully. Here is my question: How can Paul be in the pain of childbirth (I'm sure/hope metaphorically speaking) looking forward to Christ's formation in me? Wouldn't his desire be that the birth simply just happen so the pain is gone, so I could see Jesus face to face, so the world could see Jesus, live and in person? Why one womb to another, it would seem?

What is the difference between Paul's condition (pregnant)and the Galatian reader? Christ is in Paul, a part of Paul, connected to Paul's life. In a sense, Paul's life sustains Jesus' life in the here and now. Could it be that Paul's desire (and frustration with the Galatian church) is centered around their inconsistency to live Christ? Fascinating imagery.

Am I pregnant with Jesus? Is there a life source connection that nourishes the image of Christ to a lost and broken world? Do I live inseparably Jesus? Has the Holy Spirit planted a seed in my kids lives through me? Do they live Christ following the model I have set?

This passage needs more digging for sure...but I am very intrigued by the word of God.

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